Recruitment is a time consuming and expensive process for most companies. Making a hiring mistake can have serious consequences for your business. Here’s where we can help. With our many years of expertise, we help you hire the right person the first time, and reduce the time and energy you need to invest to accomplish this. We don’t take shortcuts; we know what is required to select a candidate closely matching the job requirements and your company’s culture. There is no magic here, just many years of learned experience in recruiting top notch candidates. Here’s our process:
1. Clearly Identify Your Needs
The first step is critical, the most important step towards a successful placement. We meet with you or your hiring manager to complete a detailed cultural and job match survey. This provides us with a clear understanding of your company’s culture, operating structure, policies, vision for the future, and how the position being filled fits. Our competencies identification process helps to ensure a “good fit” hire. We can also conduct an exit interview with the employee leaving the position in order to gather more information about the nature of the job. If this is a new position we will help you develop a job description and evaluate compensation issues. If your management team or hiring managers require a tune up on their interviewing skills, we will provide an on site interviewing workshop.
2. Prepare the Job Specification
Using our detailed position description process, we prepare a job description that defines the duties, requirements and responsibilities of the position. Once this is reviewed and approved by you, it serves as a key source recruiting document for our search.
3. Develop a Comprehensive Search Plan
Next, we develop a search plan to identify potential candidates. We use as many sourcing tools and techniques as deemed necessary to ensure you have the right person the first time. This may include searching our in-house database candidates, referral-based candidates, running targeted recruitment advertising, using our extensive business contacts database, posting on our website and large distribution newsletter, scanning internet databases and utilizing any relevant professional or industry associations and directories.
4. Conduct the Candidate Search
We work closely with you or your hiring manager to review the initial details of prospective candidates as they are identified, to ensure we are on the right track. This is where much of our time is spent on the search, scanning the many resources at our disposal, doing pre screening interviews and developing the long list. We narrow the search down to the candidates whose skills match the job specification.
5. Conduct In-depth Qualifying and Selection Interviews
This is where our many years of expertise come in to play, the qualifying and selection phase. We utilize face to face behavioural interviewing techniques to identify if there is a match between the soft skill competencies required and what past behaviour has been exhibited by the candidate. We also qualify the candidates by skills set, experience, motivation, career fit, income expectations, location and all other aspects of the job.
6. Present your Best Options
We provide additional insight via detailed resumes and interview notes and recommend short list candidates to be interviewed by you. We organize face to face interviews for you or your hiring manger at the location of your choosing.
7. Evaluate Your Best Options
We discuss how you will interview the candidates, and then review your interview results with you in detail. After discussing the options, we help you identify the best overall fit candidate.
8. Complete Detailed Reference Checks
We leave nothing to chance. Sometimes the final decision requires the added insight that psychological testing can provide. If needed, we will administer these for you with one or more of your finalists to confirm your decision with quantifiable data. We have access to a wide range of profiling tools, and testing partnerships to assist in this area. Confidential references are very detailed, verifying many of the interview responses about past behavioural situations. All reference information is forwarded confidentially to the client unedited.
9. Extend Offer and Negotiate
When your decision is made, an employment offer is extended to the selected candidate. Any pre-hire employment negotiations are conducted and the final terms of an agreement are determined, defined and communicated to the candidate.
10. Follow-up Post Hire
Our search process doesn’t stop here. We follow up with you periodically during the first 6 months to see how the new employee is performing. We also stay in touch with your new hire to ensure that everything is going well.